Some Words

I am based in Cork, Ireland, where I was born in 1971, and trained in the Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork City.

Concentrating on the challenges of thrown forms which are then altered and changed at varying stages of the drying process, I produce domestic-scale Sculptural Decorative Vessels.

My love of Form, Line and Volume is expressed through the qualities and scope of my chosen material, which is porcelain. Of great importance is the potential of new and exciting edges, contours and shapes which can be explored through an understanding of the material’s qualities and my increasing skill.

Or, put more simply, 'Play' is a very important part of my studio-time.

The thrown forms are often cut, reassembled, pushed and pulled; scratched and scraped. They evolve in the same way as sketches do - with silhouettes and lines revisited, adjusted and tweaked.

Surface quality is absolutely critical; I research extensively to find the best glaze for the form; or vice-versa.

I am represented by Erskine Hall & Coe in London, England Erskine Hall & Coe, in London, U.K. and Galerie de l'Ancienne Poste in Toucy, France Galerie de l'Ancienne Poste in France